Hi there! I'm Trish...wife, mom, grandma (actually, Mimi 😊), kombucha-holic and salad lover (not just because they're good for you - I truly LOVE them and always have!)

I'm also a Certified Health & Wellness Coach and Certified Holistic Nutritionist with additional training in interpretation of HTMA (Hair Trace Mineral Analysis).

My passion is helping women who want to provide a healthier life for their families navigate the confusing "natural," low-tox world by creating a simple, sustainable action plan for upgrading their diet, lifestyle and environment so that they (and their families) can experience better health, less symptoms and more energy.

I'm glad to have you here!

Use the links in the menu at the top to learn all about HTMA or reach out to me if you have any questions or just want to chat!

Also, don't forget to get your FREE Pantry Overhaul Checklist and Stocked Pantry Shopping List...just click the button above or click right here!

And one last thing...be sure to follow along on Instagram and/or Facebook. That's where I spend most of my time! You'll see posts with health & wellness tips and tricks, as well as special Instagram-only and Facebook-only specials and deals. Use the links below to follow!